SoundExtractor is shareware. If you use it or keep it, please send me $5. If you don’t like it (I can’t believe it’s possible!), pass it along to your friends or trash it.
My address is:
Alberto Ricci
Corso De Gasperi, 45
10129 Torino, Italy
I’d also be very glad to receive suggestions, bug reports, etc.. You can reach me on Internet as or on CompuServe as 100010,3275, probably only until August, 1992.
When you register, please send me your mail address and an e-mail one, if you have it, so that I can notify you of new versions.
••• What is SoundExtractor?
Do you remember those sound suitcases created with utilities like SoundMover or SoundEdit? Each of them contained one or more sound resources. They were (and still are) a very popular way of storing sounds.
When System 7.0 was released, we saw that one of the new Finder's features was to play a sound by clicking on its icon. So, for example, to hear a sound in the System file you just have to double-click on the System file, and you can see the sounds installed in it. To play one, you just need to double-click on it.
The problem is that this can’t be done with sound suitcases. This is where SoundExtractor comes in.
Just open one of this sound suitcases with the "Open" choice in the "File" menu of SoundExtractor, and a new folder will be created. This folder will have a custom icon of a folder with a little speaker on it, and it will contain all the sounds that were in the sound suitcase. But now, double-clicking on the sounds will play them!
If you check the option "Prompt for Destination" in the File menu, SoundExtractor will ask you where you want to create this sound folder; otherwise it will create it next to the sound suitcase.
You aren’t restricted to sound suitcases, though. You can also extract sounds from applications, stacks or other files that contain at least one sound resource.
• Version 1.0, October 25, 1991
First release.
Plans for next version: Dragging a file on top of SoundExtractor’s icon extracts sounds from that file. Color about window.